

Gynaecomastia Surgery: Breast Reduction Operation in Men Gynaecomastia surgery, to correct breast enlargement in men
is a surgical intervention. This is a hormonal for various reasons such as changes, genetic factors, drug use or obesity may occur. Gynaecomastia surgery is an operation to remove fat or glandular
It involves the removal of tissue and gives the person a more masculine and aesthetic
appearance. aims to gain appearance.

Surgery Techniques:

1. Liposuction Technique
: This technique, usually breast growth fat
is preferred when it is caused by accumulation. Using a thinned cannula
excess fat tissue is absorbed, so that the breast has a smaller and contoured
appearance is restored.

2. Excision Technique: Breast growth is caused by glandular tissue
is used in cases where The breast is reduced in size by removing glandular tissue. This
method also preferred when the position or size of the nipple needs to be corrected
can be performed.

3. Combined Technique
: Using liposuction and excision techniques together,
both adipose tissue and glandular tissue are effectively removed. This method,
It can be adapted according to the specific situation and expectations of the person.

Postoperative Recovery:
Swelling and bruising in the chest area of the patient in the postoperative period
can be seen. To speed up the healing process, an elasticated bandage is worn for a
certain period of time. wearing a compression garment may be recommended.
Prescription medication for pain management can be used. The time to return to
normal activities may vary from person to person, but
usually takes place within a few weeks.

Results and Permanence:
The results of gynaecomastia surgery are satisfactory. The patient’s chest
area gets a smoother, contoured and aesthetic appearance. Permanent results
it is important to follow the instructions recommended by the doctor. These
instructions are include regular exercise, healthy eating and lifestyle changes
can take.
Gynaecomastia surgery is an operation to correct breast growth in men.

is the only effective and reliable option.

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