
With dental treatment, it is to ensure that the teeth look healthy, natural and beautiful without causing any loss of function in the teeth.

When designing your smile, a smile form that includes detailed aesthetic analyzes in which the relationship between the aesthetic criteria of the lips, gums and teeth is considered separately and with each other is a priority.

Pedodontics, known as pediatric dentistry, is a branch of dentistry that studies and treats children’s oral and dental health. This field is concerned with maintaining and treating the oral and dental health of children from infancy to adolescence.

What is Pedodontics?
Pedodontics is a branch of dentistry practiced by pedodontists. Pedodontists focus on the
specific dental health needs of children and specialize in maintaining children’s dental and
oral health. These specialists use child-friendly approaches when treating children’s teeth,
gums and oral structure.

What Services Are Provided in Pedodontics?
Child Dental Examinations: Pedodontists examine children’s teeth and oral structure
regularly. as a dental hygienist. During these examinations, tooth decay, gum disease or tooth
development problems can be identified.

Dental Cleaning and Fluoride applications: Cleaning and fluoridation of children’s teeth,
helps prevent tooth decay.
Child Friendly Environments: Pedodontists work in child-friendly offices to ensure that
children feel comfortable. This helps to reduce children’s fear of the dentist. can help.
Tooth Protection: Pedodontists take preventive measures to protect children’s teeth.
For example, fissure sealants can be applied to prevent tooth decay.

Tooth Extraction and Treatment: When necessary, pedodontists extract children’s teeth or treat
they treat their problems.
Orthodontic Consultation: If children’s tooth development is uneven or if they have a cross bite,
pedodontists can advise on orthodontic treatment options.

Why is it Important to Visit a Pedodontist?
It is important for children to see a pedodontist because children’s dental and oral health is
different and requires special needs. Pedodontists are trained to reduce children’s fear of
the dentist and provide a child-friendly environment.

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