Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics) is the treatment of the soft tissuesinside the tooth. (pulp) i s a dental treatment applied where it is inflamed or infected. This treatment protects the internal problem of the tooth, reducing pain, infection and prevents tooth loss.

Why Root Canal Treatment May Be Necessary?
Tooth decay When tooth decay progresses, the pulp on the inside of the tooth tissue can be
Tooth trauma: Inflammation of the pulp is possible as a result of tooth impacts or fractures. Tooth abscess Root canal treatment can be applied in cases of abscessin the root of the tooth.
Gum diseases: Serious gum disease can also cause pulp inflammation.
How is Root Canal Treatment Performed?
Anesthesia: The dentist will administer a local anesthetic before the treatment is performed, so that the product does not feel pain.
Access opening: To the pulp by creating a regularity on the tooth can be reached. Pulp extraction  Removal of inflamed or infected pulp tissue.
Canal shaping: Root connections are shaped and monitored 
Treatment Process: Root canal treatment is usually completed in several sessions. In the first 

The dentist evaluates the tooth and makes the necessary preparations. Anesthesia is applied and the patient does not feel pain. There is no anesthesia pulp freedom is ensured by forming a rectangle.
The pulp tissue is removed, root treatment is applied and shaped. Thisis magnification microscopes and special instruments are available. The cleaned root stumps are washed and disinfected with antiseptic
solutions. The root joints are filled with special filling materials. This step, provides protection of the inner parts of the tooth from infection. When the treatment is complete, a temporary filling or restorative material can be applied over the tooth. 
Pain and Discomfort:
Pain in the patient due to local anesthesia during treatment does not feel. However, mild pain and tenderness are normal after treatment.

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