Tube Stomach

Introducing the Stomach Balloon: A Non-Surgical Weight Loss Solution

Amidst the global surge in obesity rates, the stomach balloon emerges as a preferred non-surgical avenue for weight reduction. Functioning by imparting a sense of satiety through constraining stomach volume, gastric balloons facilitate weight loss by curbing food intake. Crafted from silicone and filled with water or saline, these balloons are seamlessly inserted into the stomach via endoscopic procedures.

How is Gastric Balloon Placement Procedure Performed?
The patient’s general health status and stomach structures are evaluated.
There are two main methods: Endoscopic Gastric Balloon and Swallowable Gastric Balloon.
In the endoscopic method, the patient is sedated, with the help of an endoscope
a balloon is inserted into the stomach.
In the swallowable gastric balloon, the patient drinks the balloon with water and then radiological
The position of the balloon is controlled by imaging.

To whom can gastric balloon be applied?
Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 and without surgical risk
favoured. Among overweight or obese patients, weight loss efforts are centred on diet and
suitable for those who have not been successful with exercise. Especially in need of rapid weight loss
a treatment for people who hear but do not want to undergo surgery is an option.
Non-Surgical Stomach Reduction
Gastric balloon is one of the non-surgical stomach reduction methods.
Other non-surgical methods include endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty and
There may also be options such as intragastric balloon.
These methods support weight loss without surgical intervention and
can make it easier to adapt to lifestyle changes.

Gastric Balloon Results and Effects
Weight loss with a gastric balloon can often be rapid, but success depends on the
depends on how well it adapts to style changes. Gastric balloon, weight
loss, while permanently changing the patient’s diet and exercise habits.
is important to change.

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