Arm Stretching

Arm lift surgery, deformation of the skin in the upper biceps and lower part of the arm is a surgical aesthetic method applied for correction. This process, weight loss, sagging, elasticity due to ageing or genetic factors It is performed to solve problems such as loss and fat accumulation. Arm lift solutions to problems that are aesthetically uncomfortable and affect daily life is a plastic surgery operation.

Arm Lift Aesthetic Surgery:
Arm lift surgery, the degree of sagging of the skin in the arm shadow and skin
a special plan determined depending on the thickness of the underlying fat tissue
within the scope of the operation. This surgery is usually generalised according to the
patient’s condition.
or under local anaesthesia. Surgeries performed under local anaesthesia
the patient can be discharged on the same day, while those under general anaesthesia can
be discharged one day then can be discharged.
The duration of arm lift surgery is usually between 1.5-2 hours.
Patients can take a bath two days after surgery and do sports within 1-1.5 months.
can start their activities
Arm Lift with Laser
It is a surgical solution in arms with excessive sagging, but in verbal sagging
can be collected with laser.
Why is Arm Lift Aesthetics Performed?
Arm lift aesthetics is performed due to aging, weight loss or genetic factors.
aesthetic problems caused by sagging and deformations
solution. The tightening and shaping of the arms allows patients to feel
feel better and have a positive impact on their daily lives
provides. Sagging skin, which looks especially uncomfortable in short-sleeved garments, is
is corrected with aesthetic operation.
Why does arm skin sag?
The arm skin begins to sag due to the collagen structure lost due to age.
has a tendentious structure. In addition, genetic factors, excessive weight gain and loss, sun
exposure harmful effects and gravity can also contribute to sagging arm skin.
Things to Consider Before Arm Lift Surgery:
Patients are asked to perform the necessary tests before arm lift surgery.
Before the surgery, the use of blood thinners should be stopped and
fasting condition must be provided at least 8 hours before the surgery.
How is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?
Arm lift surgery is usually performed under the armpit or inside the elbow.
is performed through incisions. After removal of excess skin and fat tissue, aesthetic
The skin is closed with sutures. The operation is usually performed under general or local
anaesthesia. under the arm lift.
Arm lift surgery offers an aesthetic and functional solution, making patients more
It helps them achieve a firm and youthful appearance. This operation
results can help patients regain their confidence and improve their quality of life.
contributes to their increase.

Leg Lift Surgery:
As a result of factors such as ageing, weight gain and loss, genetic factors, many
sagging and loosening problems may occur on the inner sides of the legs.
This situation causes discomfort especially in women when wearing skirts, causing sweating
and can cause rashes. It also causes an aesthetically unpleasant appearance
The sagging on the inner side of the leg is corrected with leg lift surgeries.
Operation Process:
Leg lift aesthetics is performed in a fully equipped hospital and general
requires anaesthesia. The operation can take about 2 hours and usually takes 1 day
requires hospitalisation. The operation is performed from the groin line to the inner side of
the leg is realised by removing excess skin in the right direction. Skin on the inner side of the
leg upwards is stretched and sutured again above the pubic line. Liposuction if necessary
The process can also be combined.
Who is it suitable for:
Leg lift surgery, weight gain and loss, harmful effects of the sun and aging
in the inner part of the thigh and hip area due to reasons such as
is suitable for anyone who has problems with loosening and sagging tissues. This
experiencing discomfort due to aesthetic problems and correcting this appearance
People who want can be candidates for surgery.
Postoperative period:
Mild pain is usually felt after the operation, but the prescribed pain
This can be controlled with antispasmodics. Patients may need a few days after the
can stand up within a few days and swelling and bruising in the operation area
decreases within a week. The healing process varies from person to person, but usually
Complete recovery is achieved within 7-10 days. Return to work life is approximately 5-7
day. It is recommended to wait up to 4 weeks to start sports activities.
Leg lift surgery offers an aesthetic and functional solution for patients.
helps them achieve a firmer and younger appearance.

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