Lip Filler

Lips are one of the indispensable elements of facial beauty. Naturally full and shaped
For those who do not have lips, lip augmentation is an effective and natural
stands out as a solution. Lip filling, usually lip proportions in young people
increase, eliminate the loss of volume due to aging on the lips or to create the desired lip

It is an aesthetic application performed to create. Lips, health and happiness on the face
Since it is an important area that reflects the lips, lip augmentation is frequently preferred
for aesthetic purposes. is being performed.

Aesthetic Criteria Targeted with Lip Filling:
– Increasing the volume in the lips,
– Harmonisation of lower lip and upper lip proportions,
– Gums are not visible when you smile,
– Criteria such as the width, symmetry and proportion of the lips are important for a
beautiful lip.
Lip Filling Application Stages:
Examination and Planning: A detailed examination of the patient’s facial structure by an
expert aesthetic doctor
the patient is thoroughly examined, his/her wishes are assessed and an appropriate planning
is made.
Anaesthesia: Before the filler injection to be applied to the lips, the lips are effectively
anaesthetised. This makes the procedure more comfortable.
Injection: Filler containing hyaluronic acid is injected into the lips with fine needles.
Injections are used strategically to improve the shape and volume of the lips to achieve the
desired result.
is placed as
Result: After the procedure, a significant fullness and shape change is observed in the lips.
The results are immediately noticeable.
– Hyaluronic acid is generally used in lip filling and this substance is permanent for 6-12
However, the person’s lifestyle, mimic habits and the structure of the filling material can
affect the permanence. may affect.
Lip Filling Advantages:
– It does not require a surgical intervention.
– It can be applied quickly and effectively.
– It provides a natural and youthful appearance on the lips.
– In people who have regular lip augmentation, the permanence period of the filling is
is observed.
Lip filling offers an effective solution for those in search of aesthetics and youth. Application
the process is fast, involves minimal side effects and it is possible to achieve natural results.
Lip filler is a popular aesthetic application that supports the holistic beauty and youth of the

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