Forehead Lift

Forehead lift surgery, signs of ageing, genetic factors or various other
sagging, wrinkles and drooping in the forehead area caused by
is a surgical procedure performed for the purpose of correction. This aesthetic surgery, usually improves horizontal lines on the forehead and vertical lines between the eyebrows.

The procedure creates an aesthetic appearance by making the person’s facial
expression younger, fresher and more dynamic. provides balance. At the same time, the “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes also treats the so-called wrinkles.
Surgical Process:
Consultation and Evaluation:
– The patient’s expectations and health history are evaluated by the surgeon.
– The surgeon creates the details of the surgery and a personalised plan.
– The patient should not smoke, stop certain medications and follow the surgeon’s
must fit.
Muscle and Skin Repositioning:
– The surgeon repositions the muscles and skin on the forehead by lifting,
corrects the height.
– Wrinkles around the eyes are also corrected at this stage.
Postoperative Care and Long Term Care:
– Stitches and bandages are applied. The bandage is applied to support the
healing process used.
– Slight swelling and bruising are normal, but these decrease over time.
– The healing process and check-ups are organised by the surgeon.
– The healing process varies depending on the individual factors of each patient.
– Skin care and sun protection are important.
– Although a marked improvement can be seen in the first stage, it takes a few
weeks for the results to be fully established.
can last for weeks.
– Skin care and sun protection are important.

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